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Baby Butter Otter is Jelly Otter and Peanut's baby sister,


What Butter actually looks like.

and Sophie's baby cousin. She never ages, as she is stuck in her infant stage.

Baby Butter is voiced by Shy Girl in the GoAnimate universe; however, she is actually voiced by Gina Marie Tortorici.

Likes and Dislikes[]


Family-friendly things, toys, being muddy, treats, playing with Peanut, adventure, giggling, Baby Lovey (her favorite show), and insects


Disasters, sad events, scary things, horror stuff, fights, getting hurt, and sickness

  • As revealed in the PB&J Otter episode "Three's a Crowd", she is 2 years old.
  • Due to her age, her grammar is poor, as she says stuff like "Gwondid!", "Me Butter.", and "You awful!".
  • She has separation anxiety, as revealed in the episodes, "Otterly Alone" and "Come Back, Mama".